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Got your own trip? rent a vehicle

With Čagalj Tours, carefree one-day or multi-day trips! Our buses, mini-buses, and vans are at your disposal for all trips inside and outside Croatia.

Our years of experience guarantee comfort, safety and professionalism!

Coach bus

up 63 passengers


up 6 passengers


up 4 passengers

Our fleet

Personal car

up to 4 pax


up to 8 pax


up to 16 pax


up to 23 pax

Coach bus

up to 53 pax

Coach bus

up to 63 pax

Flexibility and reliability

Continuous investment in our vehicle fleet has allowed us to be proud owners of a wide range of transport vehicles today, of which buses from the Man, Neoplan and Setra groups can certainly stand out.

We offer the rental of tourist class vehicles from 8-63 seats. The vehicles are equipped with all necessary equipment, such as seat belts, DVD/audio equipment, sockets, internet services, tourist seats with armrests, air conditioning, toilet, panoramic windows, license for international and domestic passenger transport, certificate of meeting the conditions for the transportation of children, technical and traffic permits, passenger and accident insurance policies, insurance against third parties, and comprehensive bus insurance.

Considering that the ultimate goal of our company is a satisfied consumer, we have made our services flexible and adaptable, therefore the time for which you need bus transportation is completely adjusted to you and your needs (bus transportation services can be used for as many days as you need) .
Continuous investment in our vehicle fleet has allowed us to be proud owners of a wide range of transport vehicles today, of which buses from the Man, Neoplan and Setra groups can certainly stand out.
Also, all our buses, minibuses and vans are fully equipped for tourist trips and are available for rent!

One of our biggest advantages is of course our professional drivers, who will make sure that your trip is safe and pleasant.

What do we offer?

Option driver
Insured vehicles
Tourguide option
Flexible prices
Daily tours

Diagnostics and service of commercial vehicles

Diagnostics and maintenance of commercial vehicles is our concern. An experienced team of mechanics will fix any malfunction on your vehicle. Maintenance, service and repair services, vulcanization services, diagnostics of all brands of vehicles and outings of mechanics to the field are also an integral part of our activity.
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